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Friday 7 Apr 20:00
7 Apr

20h show Intermediate level

These students have taken an 8 week course focusing on object work and environment. Chopping wood never looked so good!

21h show Musical long form: Genres

An improvised Broadway show! What? Yes! Our students will show how much they have learned in the past 8 weeks.

22h show The Jam Show

Put your name in a hat and you may get a chance to come on stage and play too! An easylaughs MC will guide you through a bunch of short form improv games.

Event added by easylaughs
Friday 14 Apr 20:00
14 Apr

20h show Beginners 1 Graduation Show

Nothing beats the excitement of beginning improvisers performing their first show!

21h show Dead Simple: An improvised Coen Brothers movie In small-town America something has gone very wrong. Follow the lives of the townsfolk as simple events unravel into a big, deadly mess. Performers; Nicole Mischler, Peter More, Ashley Moore

22h show easylaughs Presents! One Man Crime Wave

Peter More will create a crime-ridden tale guided by the audience who will help decide the nature of the story, the style it’s told in and who we follow.

Peter More is a highly experienced British performer and former easylaugher. Now based in London, he performs with Sprout, Mischler, Moore & More, and the Nordic-Noir duo, Mørdsäga. He has played and taught all over Europe and in the US. Outside of improv he writes, performs stand-up and was a lead in the award-winning VR short, Nowhere.

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Event added by easylaughs
Friday 21 Apr 20:00
21 Apr

20h show More Basics Grad Shows

Our lovely students are deepening their skills and getting more confident all the time. Get ready to laugh hard!

21h show easylaughs Presents

Our team of talented comedians is currently putting together a lineup that will leave you in stitches.

Although we're keeping the lineup under wraps for now, we can tell you that we've secured an amazing venue and that we're pulling out all the stops to deliver a show you won't forget.

Event added by easylaughs
Friday 28 Apr 20:00
28 Apr

20h show Stand-up Grad & Grand Slam

Freshly baked stand-up comedians from the easylaughs oven, mmmmmm. Get them while they’re hot.

Feast your eyes on the stand-up/improv collab that is easylaughs' Grand Slam!

22h show The Jam

Put your name in a hat and you'll get a chance to come on stage and play too! An easylaughs MC will guide you through a bunch of short form improv games.

Event added by easylaughs
Monday 8 May 19:00
8 May

Have you ever been super melodramatic in a show, and felt you could still dial it up to 11? Do you find yourself constrained by the realities of normal life?

In this course, we will focus on the format of FilmFarsi (literally: Persian Movie), with its own flavour of overacting, plot twists, music transitions, and action sequences! You will work on how to let go, and be that little bit more extra.

Tanine directed this format for the closing night of IMPRO Amsterdam 2023 and it was extremely well received. If you enjoy the thought of being in your own Soap Opera, or to feature in a Telanovela, you will love this course!

Monday May 8 to Jun 26 (Showcase on 02/07 as a matinee + evening) — no class on May 29 19:00 to 20:30 € 195,- for 8 classes including showcase. All our classes are accessible. Location: Sportzaal – Huis van de Wijk de Meeuw (Motorwal 300, Amsterdam)

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Event added by flocktheatre
Monday 8 May 20:30
8 May

In this course we will explore our bodies to find the way (different for every person) that develops trust and peace in us while moving. We’ll train to control our bodies, in order to use them in our favour.

We will use the time to develop our sixth sense: the proprioception. Do we know where’s our foot placed without looking? Can we always sense that? Or, do we know where are others with whom we share the space? Can we guess by sensing them without looking directly? If we’re conscious of our own body, and we develop control with it, then we will have the chance of taking responsibilities. If we wake up our consciousness enough to be able to be precise about the space that we fill physically, we contribute to a safer and better environment. It’s a win-win: as individuals we stop being strangers within ourselves, and as a collective, we gain space for communication and care.

We’ll work to develop consciousness of who we are, responsibility within the space and whoever is around, and confidence about our strong and weak points. We’ll aim to find a way to interact with each other and each different environment without needing words. We’ll prepare our bodies to be available all the time, by discovering the incredible things what we can expect from them.

Training our bodies in a safe and kind environment, we can reach synergies, mutualisms, and exponential growths for the scenes we do, at the same time that we’ll gain welfare within ourselves.

The only pre-requisite for this course is to be curious about the journey that’s discovering oneself. No need to be familiar with dance: whatever level you think you are, you’ll be completely welcomed… So: shall we move together?

Monday May 8 to Jun 26 (Showcase on 02/07 as a matinee + evening) — no class on May 29 20:30 to 22:00 € 195,- for 8 classes including showcase. All our classes are accessible. Location: Sportzaal – Huis van de Wijk de Meeuw (Motorwal 300, Amsterdam)

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Event added by flocktheatre
Tuesday 9 May 19:00
9 May

The Coen Brothers make stories based on ordinary people trying to get ahead in extraordinary fashion and often failing spectacularly.

In this course we will learn how to build unique characters that feel real and push them into extreme situations to see how they react. You will learn how to improvise tension, violence and environments that feel real and full of character.

We will also borrow liberally from other stories with similar themes such as the Breaking Bad TV show and the films of Tarantino to create a story with your unique personality.

Tuesday May 9 to Jun 27 (Showcase on 02/07 as a matinee + evening) — no class on May 30 19:00 to 20:30 € 195,- for 8 classes including showcase. All our classes are accessible. Location: Sportzaal – Huis van de Wijk de Meeuw (Motorwal 300, Amsterdam)

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Event added by flocktheatre
Tuesday 9 May 20:30
9 May

Written lines is all about words! And more specifically written words. A part of theatre that improvisers are not likely to get acquainted to.

But in this course you’ll get loads of them! We will work with classic monologues from film and theatre and will write our own lines. We will dive into techniques for text treatment, like articulation and diction. We will explore the characters behind the lines. And we will develop our writing skills. But most of all we will play and improvise and have fun with all those written lines.

A course for improvisers of all levels with a love for words.

Tuesday May 9 to Jun 27 (Showcase on 02/07 as a matinee + evening) — no class on May 30 20:30 to 22:00 € 195,- for 8 classes including showcase. All our classes are accessible. Location: Sportzaal – Huis van de Wijk de Meeuw (Motorwal 300, Amsterdam)

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Event added by flocktheatre
Wednesday 10 May 19:00
10 May

This beginner’s course serves as an introduction to the basics of improv.

In these sessions, you will focus on letting your brain rest, learning to let go and trusting your instincts.

You will work on unlearning “Think before you speak”, as you let fun, intuition and trust in your fellow players take over instead.

The class will be taught by Guru in English. No need to be fluent: the group mostly consists of players for whom English is their second language.

Wednesday May 10 to Jun 28 (Showcase on 02/07 as a matinee + evening) — no class on May 31

19:00 to 20:30 € 175,- for 8 classes including showcase. All our classes are accessible. Location: Lokaal 4 – Huis van de Wijk de Meeuw (Motorwal 300, Amsterdam)

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Event added by flocktheatre
Friday 12 May 20:00
12 May

20h show Basics Grad Show

Come support our fresh batch of new improvisers as they grace the stage for their graduation show!

21h show Friends with Janette Warburton & Trista Mrema

Friends are like Wine. They Get Better with Age

A True Friendship is like Riding a Bike

A Friend is like a Mirror

Friendship is like a Circle that Never Ends

You are the Cheese to my Macaroni

This improvised tale charts the lifelong friendship between two Friends (cue theme song).

21h show Impractical Ideas for Fixing the World with Benjamin McDiarmid

Let's see how these improvisers solve all the issues happening in the world. How about using leaf blowers to cool down the Earth and stop climate change? Isn't that genius?!

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Event added by easylaughs